Thursday, January 21, 2010

A facade

Looking at the current state of the United States of America we are left with several questions the main one being: How did it get this way? Billions of dollars in debt with our military stretched thin we are in a precarious situation. Many want to point fingers while not looking at the big picture.

First let me state that change is the only constant in life. If you get to the top you have to fall. This will happen to America. It is the natural order of things. However as with all change there is a back story that is crucial to this picture.

The reason America is crumbling, even with all its wealth, is due to the system we have set up. The whole America being a democracy thing is a total facade. We control nothing! The corporations control everything!

This may sounds cliche but it is true. This country was suppose to be for the "common man" but instead has turned into the country of the "you can only run for office and win if you make an insane amount of money". It has turned into a dictatorship led by the wealthy.

Too many special interest groups and too many greedy people....of course this all comes with the territory (capitalism). I will continue this rant but I must be going......

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