Thursday, January 21, 2010

A facade

Looking at the current state of the United States of America we are left with several questions the main one being: How did it get this way? Billions of dollars in debt with our military stretched thin we are in a precarious situation. Many want to point fingers while not looking at the big picture.

First let me state that change is the only constant in life. If you get to the top you have to fall. This will happen to America. It is the natural order of things. However as with all change there is a back story that is crucial to this picture.

The reason America is crumbling, even with all its wealth, is due to the system we have set up. The whole America being a democracy thing is a total facade. We control nothing! The corporations control everything!

This may sounds cliche but it is true. This country was suppose to be for the "common man" but instead has turned into the country of the "you can only run for office and win if you make an insane amount of money". It has turned into a dictatorship led by the wealthy.

Too many special interest groups and too many greedy people....of course this all comes with the territory (capitalism). I will continue this rant but I must be going......

Friday, November 20, 2009

New interesting things

Well it has been abit since I have written anything. I just wanted to share some things and thoughts I think anyone who reads this might enjoy (hmm should I have used whom instead of who? I'll check)

Anyways the first thing I wanted to address is the holiday season. All too often people forget that this time of year isn't just for presents but it is also a time to reflect. This is meant to be religious/spiritual in nature and to get in touch with "yourself". Now I know that sounds like one of those quotes from "The Secret" but I am being honest. People today are just going through the motions of life and not taking the time to enjoy the fruits our existence. Most of the "advanced" world has become weak in the pyhsical, mental, and spiritual realms. This is pretty sad.

Some I just wanted to remind everyone to take the time to do some reflecting this year.

Okay the second issue I would like to comment on: Did you all know you can actually try and "rewire" your brain (I don't think that term fits it best...perhaps add more "connection" or "brain power") What happens when you take up new activities such a juggling and other such activities you add white matter which is the cabling of the brain. I found out you can add more of this "cabling" through repetition while learning new things. It has also been found that the brain can always develop....its not static as was though previosuly. I find this news wonderful!

Here are some sites to check out (all well as my sources):

I leave you with this badass Rashad Evans HL:

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I honestly don't know what to think sometimes. Is this life real? What is real? I just want to state that if I were to die right now I would not be happy because I have not come close to accomplishing my goals. If I even come close to accomplishing all of them I could die happy. But as it stands reaching those goals would be like climbing Everest with no preparation.

So I am asking God to guide me and help me reach some of those goals. Even if this life is some sort of odd facade I want to atleast know with my dying breaths that I tried to the best of my abilities. I think that is what everyone should do: Try to get life by their hands.

And finally I just want to say I have had some huge embarresing screw ups that I hope no one will ever know about. But if they do oh well because I will make sure nothing but death stops me.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Degrees and planning for adult life

There comes a time in eveyones live that they realize they are becoming adults and loosing their youth. Well I guess most people don't pick up on the youth part but I have and it is a sad feeling. I can't help but feel life is passing me by. I want to control my future. Its not like I am doing nothing to try and get this control but eveything just moves at such a fast pace.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Russian Festival

Well I went to the Russian Festival in Baltimore,MD hosted by the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church and I must say it was wonderful. The weather was cold and rainy but that didn't matter since half of it was outside under tents and the other half was inside the church hall.

Upon entering one was greeted with traditional Russian music and the wonderful smells of traditional Russian food being cooked (or at least I am pretty sure it was traditional). I tried several of the foods (all of which were wonderful) but by far the best was this thing that was pretty much a blini rolled up and stuffed with sweet cheese and bathed with sour cream on the outside.

When you went inside the church hall they were selling religious items from the church, Russian dolls, lacquer boxes, and teas. They even had a tea room!! Needless to say I bough my mother and my grandmother a glass. I then spent $20 on Teas and another $20 on breads!!! Overall it was a great time (did I add that my brother got three Russian chocolate bars, all of which were extremely tasty).

We also got to see a Dance Troupe which was pretty cool. The did the dance were they squat down LOW and kick their legs out while wearing boots. It was an impressive sight. I would recommend going to anyone who wants to have a good time.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

History and the Best History Websites

I think in today's culture not enough people take the time to learn for history. They often only know only a few figures but have no idea what those figures are about. One example is the Che shirts: They are popular among young yuppies who have no idea what he was about but on the flip side I doubt most of the people calling him a murderer have any clue as to what Che did either.

You know they say we should learn from history or we are bound to repeat it. Well it seems to me that no one is taking this important aphorism seriously. People today are just caught up in a culture that doesn't value the past. This culture is like a cancer on the brain but I must digress.

We need to encourage family, friends, even people we don't know that well to value the past. Have them avoid revisionist history that is so common today. Maybe if we are lucky people will actually look at what Hitler did and avoid calling everyone they disagree with "Hitler".

Anyways here are some interesting history/news pages:

Best Movies/Muslim Greetings

Okay so I was sitting around and thinking of the best movies I have seen. I decided to make a list am split them up into three categories: Comedy, Drama/Love, and a what the hell category.


"The Breaks"- Its about this Irish kid whom is adopted by a black family in California (somewhere near Compton if I remember correctly). Anyways the guy thinks he is black and acts that way too. Now I am not a big fan of black comedies but this was great. The who premise of the movie is he must bring home some milk or else! A ton of stuff happens to him along the way and the seen stolen from pulp fiction is so wrong and so funny at the same time.

"The Big Lebowski"- Its about a slacker from Cali who because involved in a bunch of stuff through no fault of his own. Some guys came in and you know pissed on his rug? And it like really brought the room together man. Not gonna give away any more but check it out.

Others on this list I don't feel like summarizing:

"Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back"
"The Hangover"
"Napoleon Dynamite" -This movie is so lame it is funny.


"Pride and Prejudice" - A love story taking place in old England.
"The Godfather"- Just watch it
"Kelly's Heros" - WW2 Movie with Eastwood. Has some laughs.
"Tombstone"-One of my fav Westerns
"The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly"
"The Quiet Man"- Old John Wayne movie that takes place in Ireland.

"Pulp Fiction"-Good movie but one scene puts it on this list.
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"-Good movie but you will understand if you watch it.

Muslim Greetings:
"Assalamu alaikum"= peace be to you
A reply to this would be "Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatu Allah" which means: And to you be peace together with God's mercy.
I thought I would post this since Muslims get such a bad rap today. Remember it wasn't that long ago when it was Christians trying to start a "holy war". By understanding each others culture we can begin the path to friendship.